+34 932 041 041

General Conditions for Summer Activities 

Online purchase conditions

  • 1. Sales Terms and Conditions

    The purchase of the ticket implies the knowledge and unconditional acceptance of these General Conditions (conditions of sale, cancellation policy, rules of use, respect and coexistence).


    It shall be the customer's responsibility to obtain information before purchasing the most convenient ticket, according to the characteristics specified in the information text of the corresponding ticket, or on the corporate website of the stations.


    It is recommended to purchase tickets through advance sales channels. If there is availability of places, it can also be done at the Customer Service Point of the station.


    Reduced fare tickets/tickets must be purchased at the Customer Service Point.


    In order to access any reduced rate, it will be mandatory to have the documentation proving compliance with the conditions indicated by the resort. In general, and without prejudice of complementary accreditations that the resort may require:


    - Advantages 23-24 season pass holders: Presentation of the season pass and ID card.
    - Large family/single parent: Large family or single parent card.
    - People with functional diversity: Official card.

    To enjoy the activity it is necessary to acquire the appropriate ticket for the date and route of the chairlift, cable car you want to use, or the entrance ticket to the pool or tubing, as well as the different options of the Bike Park pass in the case of La Molina.


    The tickets will have to be purchased according to the type of user. Customers may purchase tickets in advance, but the age to be considered is the age when the ticket is used, not the age on the date of purchase, as they may be different. If required by the staff of the facility, it will be necessary to provide documentation to prove the age: ID card, NIE or passport.


    Several tickets can be purchased in a single purchase, which can be used, according to the dates chosen (for those tickets to choose the date of the visit at the time of purchase) or during the entire summer season according to the opening dates, for the rest (when it is not necessary to choose a date when making the purchase).

    The ticket must be kept until the end of the activity and is not valid if it has suffered any alteration or manipulation or, when applicable, if it is not accompanied by the identification card or does not correspond to the specific conditions of use.


    There are different channels available for users to send complaints or suggestions to FGC. They can be consulted at this link.


  • 2. Cancellation Policy

    The ticket for more than one day at La Molina Bike Park, have a unified and discounted rate compared to those of one day, becoming a unitary product, a quality that makes impossible any partial refund or compensation once its use has started.


    Depending on the product chosen, there are two types of cancellations:

    Purchases of free choice services during the current season


    For purchases in online stores, without a specific date of service, the right of cancellation and withdrawal of the purchase of unused services may be exercised, provided that it is requested within a maximum of 2 days after the date of purchase. Otherwise, no cancellation will be accepted.


    Purchases of dated services


    Products sold with date can be cancelled until 11:00 p.m. the day before the date of validity, after that time no refund will be made. No refunds will be given if the cancellation request is made after the date of use of the purchased product.


    In both cases, the cancellation of the purchase of the products will be made through the Customer Area in the Order History section. Go to the specific ticket/forfait/ticket and click on View details. If you are within the established period, you will be able to choose the option to make a refund.


    No other type of cancellation is contemplated beyond what is foreseen in this document.


  • 3. Regulations for the use of tickets, slopes and facilities

    To use the facilities it is essential to carry any type of pass, ticket or season ticket issued by the resort.


    The amounts of the passes and season tickets will only be refunded in the cases foreseen in the Cancellation Policy (Point 3), and this refund is not applicable when the access or use of the facilities is limited by other causes such as those derived from weather, environmental, technical, safety, etc. conditions.


    Inadequate behavior or non-compliance with the basic rules of use of the facilities that, in the opinion of the staff, may put the holder or third parties at risk, as well as non-compliance with the instructions, warnings and signage of the resort, shall entitle the staff of the facility to proceed to the withdrawal (or blocking, if applicable) of the ski pass/; all this without prejudice to the civil or criminal liabilities that the holder may have incurred additionally.


    It is the faculty of the staff of the facility to determine the dates and times of opening and closing of the facilities, taking into account the existing technical and meteorological circumstances and safety conditions, as well as any other causes that may affect the development of the activity.


    The resort reserves the right to carry out the controls it deems appropriate (which may include visual recordings) and may require the identification of persons in order to prevent fraudulent use of the ticket and to ensure compliance with the obligations assumed by the purchaser. The user is obliged to identify himself at the request of the staff of the station, with his ID card or supporting document.


    If at the request of the staff of the station can not present the documentation and / or accreditation, it will be considered fraudulent use and the ticket / pass / ticket will not be valid.


    In La Molina:


    The holder of the Pass recognizes and assumes in any case the risks arising from the sport practice in the Bike Park and, in general, of all those personal or material damages that occur in the development of the activity. The holder of the Bike Park pass is responsible for their acts and omissions, as well as negligent actions or behaviors that put at risk their physical integrity or that of third parties, and have not foreseen their own physical limitations in the practice of the sport or those inherent to the personal level.


    In case of loss, theft or forgetfulness of the ticket:


    • Loss of day pass. It is the responsibility of the owner client to inform the station of the event that occurred immediately upon detection. In these cases, the station may, at its discretion and according to the conditions of the specific case, proceed to make a replacement as long as the user presents the purchase receipt.


    • Loss or theft of the season pass. It is the responsibility of the owner client to inform the station of the event that occurred immediately upon detection. In these cases, the station may, at its discretion and according to the conditions of the specific case, proceed to block the use of the ski pass in order to avoid its fraudulent use. La Molina can issue a duplicate at a cost of €2.00 for the user, provided that the mandatory theft report is previously filed with the corresponding police authorities, otherwise La Molina may issue a duplicate at a cost of €10.00.


    • Forgetting the season pass for a day in the Bike Park. In the event that the holder eventually forgets the season pass for the day at the Bike Park, he must go to the central offices of the station, notify the fact that has occurred and pay the amount of €10 for the day pass, according to the current RRP and the type of season pass purchased. In these cases, the resort may, at its discretion and based on the conditions of the specific case, proceed to block the use of the current season pass in order to prevent its fraudulent use. The station is not obliged to reimburse the amount paid.


  • 4. Respect and coexistence

    FGC is a space in which coexistence is promoted. For this reason, users must maintain civic, correct and respectful behavior towards other users and FGC staff, and must follow the instructions of FGC staff, the indicators on the signs, the announcements and the public address system.


    It's not allowed:

    • Smoking in all FGC facilities
    • pin up posters
    • Distribute advertising
    • Street vending at FGC facilities
    • Carry out activities or actions that may disturb or alter public order or FGC services.
    • Carry out actions that deteriorate or dirty the facilities.
    • Staying on the premises outside of scheduled hours.
    • Manipulate, destroy or deteriorate any element related to the installation and service in general.
    • Throw waste in the environment.
    • Begging and carrying out any kind of artistic or commercial activity on the premises, without the authorization of the company.
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